
Privacy Notice

Company Name: JD Federation Wales (UnderJD Sports Fashion plc)

Company Number: 01888425

Territory: UK

1.  the best bits  

We only use your data to improve your JDexperience

2.  keeping it real  

We’ll talk to you straight – no stress,no worries

3.  No Junk  

You choose what and how we speak to you

4.  Super Safe  

Your Data is Protected 24 / 7

Everything we do at JD is about you! Wetake our customers privacy and security very seriously and we are 100%committed to protecting it so you can shop away without a single worry. If youhave any questions about how we protect your privacy, just shout us @

WHO ARE WE? In this privacy policy, theterms " we ", " our ", and " us " are used torefer to JD Federation Wales under JD Sports Fashion plc. The controller ofyour information for the purposes of the Data Protection Laws is JD SportsFashion plc.


We are committed to protecting yourprivacy. It is important that you understand how we look after your personaldata and how we make sure that we meet our legal obligations to you under thedata protection rules and regulations in the relevant territory (includingassociated guidance) (the "Data Protection Laws"). This privacy noticeoutlines how we will collect, use, store and share your personal data.

If you have any questions in relation tothis privacy notice or generally how your personal data is processed by us,please contact our data protection team by letter addressed to: HollinsbrookWay, Pilsworth, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 8RR; by email at 

This privacy notice applies to anypersonal data that we collect about you when you:

• visit;

• purchase products from us;

• visit one of our stores;

• contact us, for example by telephone,email, post or through submitting a form on our websites;

• let us or our partners know you'd liketo hear more about our products and experiences;


If you have an account with us or make apurchase online with us, or enter a competition or respond to a survey with us,we collect your name and contact details (including your address, telephonenumber, details about your order, and your billing information (where you arepurchasing products)).

We also collect details of your interactionswith us through our customer contact centres, in store, online or via our apps.For example, when you telephone one of our contact centres, we collect notes ofour conversations with you and details of your query and from time to time wemay record your calls for training and monitoring purposes. We also collectinformation about the purchases that you make, your saved items, your paymentinformation, any complaints and comments that you make and your shoppingpreferences. We also collect CCTV images in all of our stores.

Each time you visit one of our websites,we will also automatically collect information and personal data about yourcomputer for system administration including, where available, your IP address,operating system and browser type. We do this to help us analyse how users usethe websites (including behaviour patterns and the tracking of visits acrossmultiple devices), to establish more about our website users and to assist usin managing your account and improving your online experience. We also collectinformation about your activities on our websites, for example what device youare using and what products you're looking at.

If you receive email marketing from us,we also collect limited information about how you interact with such marketingemails, which is limited to if you open an email and/or click a link within anemail. We do this to understand how engaged you are with our marketing in orderto tailor how much we send to you to improve your experience with us.

Please see our cookies policy for furtherinformation about what information may be automatically collected when youvisit our websites

Please note that, from time to time, wewill combine personal data that we receive from other sources with personaldata you give to us and personal data we collect about you.


We collect some of your information directlyfrom you, either through information that you give to us or information that wecollect during your visits to our websites, stores, or through yourcommunications with us. We may obtain some information from third parties,including retail analytics companies, consumer insight companies and creditreference agencies and publicly available sources to assist us withunderstanding customer demographics and shopper behaviours, such information isaggregated and/or anonymised and therefore does not provide us with informationabout specific individuals.

Informationthat you give us

You may sharepersonal data about yourself with us by:

  • filling in forms on our websites and/ormobile apps, including when you purchase products online, submit queriesto us, create an account on one of our websites and/or mobile appsand/or sign up to receive promotional material and newsletters;
  • responding to a survey or entering acompetition with us;
  • giving us information about yourself inany communication with us, either by telephone, e-mail, post orotherwise, either in connection with your account, purchases, or toreport a complaint or issue.

you are not obliged to provide yourpersonal data to us. However, if you do not provide your personal data to us,we may not be able to fulfil your order or provide other services to you orrespond to your queries.

Informationthat we collect about you

We collectpersonal data about you:

  • when you visit our websites and/ormobile apps, including details of your visits to our websites and/ormobile apps including, but not limited to, Internet Protocol (IP)address used to connect your computer to the internet, MAC addresses,traffic data, location data, your login information, time-zone settingbrowser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, operatingsystem and platform, weblogs, cookies and other communication data, andthe resources that you access. For more information please see our cookies policy
  • when you link your Twitter, Instagramor Facebook accounts with us, to enable you to log onto our websitesand/or mobile apps simply and securely without having to create a newaccount;
  • when you visit one of our stores,including CCTV images;
  • when you download and use our app, wemay use your location data (but only where you have consented to sharingyour location data with us);
  • when you contact us in relation to ourproducts, services, a complaint or another query or issue. Inparticular, calls to our contact centres will be recorded for trainingand monitoring purposes from time to time.

Informationthat we receive from other sources

We willreceive personal data about you from other third parties, including:

  • when we work with third party partners,to bring new products and experiences to customers. There are occasionswhen these partners will ask you if you are happy for them to share yourinformation with us, and whether you would like to hear about ourproducts and experiences.
  • in connection with any mergers oracquisitions where we obtain your information from another company.


The main purpose for which we use yourinformation is to provide you with the products that you purchase from us andto send you offers and promotions that you might be interested in.

In particular, we use your information:

•to provide you with the products thatyou have purchased from us and any receipts of purchase, including to deliveryour products, and to send you order status updates;

• to take payments for the products thatyou have purchased and to give refunds or exchanges;

• to provide customer service and supportto you;

• to develop and improve our products andservices;

•to develop and improve our websites andset default options for you whether on our website or within our marketing (suchas language and currency and/or to use your location to display local storeinformation or notify you of specific events happening close to you or provideyou with the best delivery options for your orders) and to ensure that contentis presented in the most effective manner;

•to provide you with information that yourequest from us or which we feel may interest you. We may send you marketinginformation by email, SMS or post. This can include information about newproducts and offers that you may find interesting. We may also contact youabout our third party partners' products and offers where you have chosen toreceive these updates;

• to send your contact details to ourthird party partners for marketing purposes, where you have provided yourconsent for us to do so;

• to research our customers' preferencesand trending products;

• to run surveys and competitions;

• to notify you about changes to ourproducts;

• as part of our efforts to keep ourstores safe and secure (for example through the use of CCTV in our stores);

•to prevent and detect fraud and crime(for example, through the use of CCTV in our stores).


Compliance with legal obligations

As a corporate group there are certainlaws we need to comply with. In particular, we will need to process yourpersonal information to verify your identity and for fraud and crime preventionpurposes. Failure to provide the requisite personal information on sign-up / asyou use our websites, may mean we cannot provide our products to you, as toallow you to purchase our products may mean we may be in breach of our legalobligations. You will not be able to object to processing or ask for thedeletion of your personal information insofar as it falls under this category.

Necessary for the entry into orperformance of a contract

When you enter into a transaction with usor one of our brands, a contract between you and the relevant brand will havebeen entered into. In order for us to fulfil our obligations under suchcontract (e.g. to allow you to place an order and receive products from us), wewill need to collect and process your personal information. Failure to providethe requisite personal information on sign-up to an account or on placing anorder and payment information or objecting to this type of processing / exercisingyour deletion rights will mean we cannot provide our products to you.

Legitimate business interests

We use your personal data as set out inthis privacy notice for the legitimate interests of our business to enable usto:

• provide you with products as requestedby you;

• carry out research to understand ourcustomers and how they purchase and use our products;

• develop and improve our products;

• provide you with information aboutproducts and offers we feel may interest you.

As indicated below, we will also passyour personal data to members of JD Sports Fashion plc and its group companies(together the "JD Group", more information can be found here: and other third parties and this is also forour legitimate business interests.

We are required to carry out a balancingtest of our legitimate business interests in using your personal data outlinedabove against your interests and rights under the Data Protection Laws andregulations in the relevant territory. As a result of our balancing test, whichis detailed below, we have determined, acting reasonably and considering thecircumstances, that we are able to process your personal data in accordancewith the Data Protection Laws on the basis that we have a legitimate businessinterest.


  • We have a legitimate interest inprocessing your information as:
  • we both benefit from the effectivemanagement of your account(s) (where applicable);
  • we both benefit from the effectivemanagement, operation and administration of our websites;
  • we both benefit from the provision ofproducts, services and support and from improvements to our services
  • we benefit from being able to send youto product offerings and promotions that we think you might beinterested in, and in turn you can then benefit and take advantage ofsuch product offerings and promotions ;
  • we both benefit from updates to ourwebsites;
  • we will both benefit from the abilityto enforce or apply rights under any contract between us;
  • we are required to ensure the healthand safety of our customers and the security of our stored data and havea legitimate interest in ensuring any processes relating to the same areeffective and that fraud and other crimes are prevented and detected;
  • we would be unable to provide ourproducts and services without processing your information; and
  • we have a legitimate interest inprocessing your information in connection with any mergers, acquisitionsor reorganisation of our business, in which case some of yourinformation may be shared with a prospective buyer or otherwise but onlyso far as is strictly necessary for the purposes of such sale oradministration.


We considerthat it is reasonable for us to process your personal data for the purposesof our legitimate interests outlined above as we process your personal dataonly so far as is necessary to achieve the purpose outlined in this privacynotice.

Impact ofprocessing

We considerthat it is reasonable for us to process your personal data for the purposesof our legitimate interests outlined above as the processing of your personaldata does not unreasonably intrude on your privacy.

We will send you marketing communicationswhere you have not told us that you wish to unsubscribe and where you havepurchased similar products and/ or services from the same brand or legal entity(as set out in the table above). We rely on our legitimate interests to dothis, and you have the right to object to processing of this nature at any timeby contacting our data protection team using the details at the start of thisprivacy notice.


You will also receive third party marketingcommunications, if you have consented your consent to be contacted by or aboutthat third party partner. For example this will apply in connection with ourcollaborations with external brands and entities who we collaborate with tobring new products and experiences to our customers.

You have the right to withdraw yourconsent to processing of this nature at any time by contacting our dataprotection team using the details at the start of this privacy policy.


We do not, and will not, sell any of yourinformation to any third party, including your name, address, email address orcredit card information. However, we do share your information with a number ofselect third parties to enable us to provide our products and services to you,to send marketing information and to improve our business operations as set outbelow.

We will share your information with othermembers of the JD Group but only for the purposes specified in this privacy notice,

which includes sharing your informationwith other members of the JD Group for group analysis and business informationpurposes, to improve our products and services.

We will also use a number of carefullyselected third parties to help us to provide you with products, services and tomarket to you. In particular, we disclose your information to:

•Companies that do things to get yourpurchases to you, such as payment service providers, warehouses, order packersand delivery companies;

•Our trusted service providers, such asmarketing agencies, advertising partners, website hosts and other third partieswho provide services to help us to tailor our marketing to you;

•Our brand partners and trusted thirdparties in order to run collaborative competitions with them. If you are one ofour lucky winners, we may share your data with the brand partner or trustedthird party in order for them to contact you to deliver the prize to you;

• The national football associations wepartner with, where you have consented for us to do so for the purpose ofreceiving marketing from and about those football associations. These footballassociations are the Irish Football Association, the Football Association ofWales and the Scottish Football Association;

• Credit reference agencies, lawenforcement and fraud prevention agencies;

• Companies approved by you, such associal media sites, including companies such as Facebook and Google; and

•We will provide third parties withaggregated but anonymised information and analytics about our customers and,before we do so, we will make sure that it does not identify you.

We will only share your information withthird party suppliers where it is necessary for them to provide us with theservices we need.

We may disclose your information to othercompanies in connection with any merger, acquisition, insolvency situation orotherwise, in which case we will only disclose your information so far as isnecessary.

We may also need to disclose personaldata to third parties to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or ifnecessary for legal proceedings.


We carry out some profiling of you forthe purposes of improving and developing our products and services and to helpus to tailor our marketing to you.

The impact of any automated decision isto ensure you experience the best service possible.

We use information that we learn aboutyou such as your gender, preferences, hobbies, interests, purchase history andhow you engage with the marketing we send to you (as explained above) to makesure the marketing you receive from us and the way our websites are displayedto you are appropriate and tailored to you.


Transfers outside of the EuropeanEconomic Area

The information which we collect aboutyou may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. In the event of suchtransfer, we will ensure the adequate standard of security is in place forexample by incorporating the European Commission approved clauses into ouragreements with such third parties to ensure the security of your personaldata. A copy of the European Commission approved model clauses is availablehere:  

Retention of your personal data

We will only keep your information for aslong as is necessary to carry out the purposes we collected it for, as set outin this privacy notice (unless a longer retention period is required by theapplicable law). We typically keep your personal data for 6 years from thepurchase in order to enable us to deal with any issues or concerns you may haveabout the products or services you have received, and to allow us to bring ordefend legal proceedings. In some circumstances, some of your data will bedeleted in much shorter timescales, for example:

•cookies are deleted in accordance withour cookies policy

• CCTV images are kept for 60 days;

•marketing consents will berefreshed/deleted after 4 years, however, our aim is only to market to you foras long as we believe you want to continue hearing from us based on how youinteract with us.

If reasonably necessary or required tomeet legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud andabuse, or enforce our terms and conditions, we will also keep hold of some ofyour information, even if it is no longer needed to provide our services toyou.

Security of your personal data

Transmission of information via theinternet is not and cannot be completely secure. Although we will do our bestto protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your datatransmitted to our websites; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we havereceived your information, we will use strict procedures and security featuresto try to prevent unauthorised access.


We may also collect non-personallyidentifiable information (that is, information that does not specificallyidentify you), for the purposes of aggregates and statistics.


You have a number of rights under theData Protection Laws in relation to the way we process your personal data,which are set out below. You may contact us using the details at the beginningof this privacy policy to exercise any of these rights.

In some instances, we may be unable tocarry out your request, in which case we will contact you to explain why.

1. You havethe right to request access to your personal data

You have theright to request confirmation that your personal data is being processed,access to your personal data (through us providing a copy) and otherinformation about how we process your personal data.

2. You havethe right to ask us to rectify your personal data

You have theright to request that we rectify your personal data if it is not accurate ornot complete.

3. You havethe right to ask us to erase your personal data

You have theright to ask us to erase or delete your personal data where there is noreason for us to continue to process your personal data. This right wouldapply if we no longer need to use your personal data to provide products toyou, where you withdraw your consent for us to send you marketinginformation, or where you object to the way we process your personal data(see right 6 below).

4. You havethe right to ask us to restrict or block the processing of your personal data

You have theright to ask us to restrict or to block the processing of your personal datathat we hold about you. This right applies where you believe the personaldata is not accurate, you would rather we block the processing of yourpersonal data rather than erase your personal data, where we don't need touse your personal data for the purpose we collected it for but you mayrequire it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.

5. You havethe right to port your personal data

You have theright to obtain and reuse your personal data from us to reuse for your ownpurposes across different services. This allows you to move personal dataeasily to another organisation, or to request us to do this for you.

6. You havethe right to object to our processing of your personal data

You have theright to object to our processing of your personal data on the basis of ourlegitimate business interests, unless we are able to demonstrate that, onbalance, our legitimate interests override your rights or we need to continueprocessing your personal data for the establishment, exercise or defence oflegal claims.

7. You havethe right not to be subject to automated decisions

You have theright to object to any automated decision making, including profiling, wherethe decision has a legal or significant impact on you.

8. You havethe right to withdraw your consent

You have theright to withdraw your consent where we are relying on it to use yourpersonal data, for example where we are relying on your consent to send you marketinginformation.


We always give you the choice of whetheror not you wish to receive marketing communications from us or our third partypartners (for example by providingopportunities to opt-out of receiving marketing from us or withdraw yourconsent for third party marketing). We may rely on your consent or ourlegitimate interests to process your data for marketing purposes, as explainedabove.

By contacting  you can tell us that you do not wish to receivemarketing communications from us and we will update your records. You can alsoclick on the unsubscribe link in any promotional emails.


If you have any concerns regarding ourprocessing of your personal data, or are not satisfied with our handing of anyrequest made by you, or would otherwise like to make a complaint, pleasecontact our data protection team in the first instance using the details at thestart of this privacy notice, so that they can do their very best to sort outthe problem.

You can also contact the InformationCommissioner's Office at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK95AF  .


Our websites may, from time to time,contain links to and from the websites of third parties. If you follow a linkto any of these websites, please note that these websites have their ownprivacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability forthese policies or your use of those websites.


We will take all measures necessary tocommunicate any changes to this privacy notice to you, and will post anyupdated privacy notices on this page.

This policy was last reviewed and updatedin August 2022.

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